Chapter 6

Final Assault

      As Lucy arrive back to her allies, they see Sear coming to them!

      "Soldiers, don't let that dragon reach our allies!" said Lif as he ordered Vikings to prevent Sear from reaching Lucy and Tisha.

      The Vikings hold Sear off until Lucy knocked Sear Back into the portal, Lucy enters the portal to finish Sear.

      "Sear, you have no escape!" said Lucy.

      Sear was furious and breathe fire, but Lucy reflected the attack back at Sear and she use the Hero Falchion to slay the dragon!

      Sear has returned back to his normal form, "okay you win!"

      As Lucy is about to put her sword away, Sear is about to swing his axe!

      Lucy was quick and dodge out of the way and killed Sear.

      "So be it Sear, you decided to die instead of living with your daughter!" said Lucy.

      "I... have no... regrets," said Sear as he falls.
